
#SELday Artwork Exhibit

On Friday, March 26th, thousands of educators, students, community organizers, and individuals across the country will celebrate the second annual Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Day.

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Congressional Briefing:

Music, Arts, and Social Emotional Learning Working Together for Positive Student Outcomes   

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¡Proteja la Educación Artística Ahora!

The Protect Arts Ed Now campaign materials and 5 of the most popular infographics are now available on the Action Hub in Spanish language. Check

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NJ State Solo and Ensemble Regional Festival II

Festival Dates: Regional Festival 2 March 15 – Registration Opens

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Testing Video

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2021 New Jersey Arts Education Census

Results of this survey will be previewed in the fall of 2021 with a final report presented in spring 2022. These results will help the New Jersey State Department

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Arts Ed NJ Releases the 2021 Cares II Funding Guidance There is a new pot of funding coming from the Federal Government to the state

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